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Article 28
1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to education and
with a view to achieving this right progressively and on the basis
of equal opportunity. They shall, in particular: |
Make primary education compulsory and available free to all;
(b) Encourage the development of different forms of secondary education,
including general and vocational education, make them available
and accessible to every child and take appropriate measures such
as the introduction of free education and offeriung assistance in
case of need;
(c) Make higher education accessible to all on the basis of capacity
of every appropriate means;
(d) Make educational and vocational information and guidance available
and accessible to all children;
(e) Take measures to encourage regular attendance at schools and
the reduction of drop-out rates.
1. States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be
directed to:
The development of the child's personality, talents and mental and
physical abilities to their fullest potential;
(b) The development of respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms, and for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the
United Nations;
The development of respect for the child's parents, his or her own cultural
identity, language and values, for the national values of the country
in which the child is living, the country from which he or she may originate,
and for civilizations different from his or her own;
The preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society, in
the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, and
friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and
persons of indigenous origin;
In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities or
persons of indigenous origin exist, a child belonging to such a minority
or who is indigenous shall not be denied the right, in community with
other members of his or her own group, to enjoy his or her own culture,
to profess and practise his or her own language.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted and opened for signature,
ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20
November 1989. It entered into force 2 September 1990, in accordance with
article 49.